Past Events
Check here for details of this year's lineup for SCOPE's 2013-2014 Brown Bag Seminar Series.
SCOPE and the Stanford GSE sponsored a lecture by Ravitch, and a moderated discussion with Ravitch, Darling-Hammond, Hanushek, and Cook.
Jo Boaler's new course on Stanford's free online platform is designed for teachers, parents, and administrators to help students learn math and engage with math successfully.
In this webinar, panelists will explore criteria for high-quality student assessments and their implications for states.
This three-day series will provide district leadership teams with opportunities to engage in deep discourse and design thinking about leadership, learning opportunities, pathway quality, and sustainability.
This webinar will discuss how the Equity and Excellence Commission’s findings can help support local efforts to promote educational equity and success in schools.
Professor Ball's current research focuses on the implementation of her "Model of Generative Change" in teacher education and professional development.
SCOPE senior scholar Ann Lieberman and SCOPE affiliate Carol Campbell to deliver keynote speech at the Teacher Learning and Leadership Program's training session.
Cubberley Lecture Series presents the West Coast premiere of REBIRTH: New Orleans, followed by a conversation between filmmaker John Merrow and Prudence Carter.