SCOPE Blog Archive
High Schools That Walk the Social-Emotional Walk (and Don't Just Talk the Talk)
MarYam G. Hamedani highlights SCOPE's research on effective social emotional learning practices in high schools.
Black Male Teachers: There Aren’t Enough of Them
In the Washington Post, Travis J. Bristol discusses the lack of black males in the teaching force and how to recruit and retain educators of color.
For New Federal Law, We Should Be Asking Why and How We Test, Not Just How Often
In a blog for Huffington Post, Linda Darling-Hammond proposes several changes in federal education law to improve assessment.
Is There a Third Way for ESEA?
Linda Darling-Hammond and Paul T. Hill address the design of accountability for the pending reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Professional Collaboration and Effective Teaching Environments
Dion Burns and Linda Darling-Hammond explain how TALIS–an international study–provides a compelling view of the effectiveness of collaborative school environments.
Can We Agree on School Accountability?
Linda Darling-Hammond and Paul T. Hill describe how experts agree on rethinking educational accountability in the United States.
How to Teach for Deeper Learning? An International Survey Provides Insights
Dion Burns and Linda Darling-Hammond describe how deeper learning requires a shift not just in what is taught, but how it is taught.
California must test students on the right skills for college and career
Linda Darling-Hammond and Hilary McLean argue why we should not rely on an outmoded accountability system that doesn’t reflect our goals for young people.
Response: The Teachers of Color 'Disappearance Crisis'
Travis J. Bristol discusses the impact having more teachers of color have on our schools in Education Week.
Instructional Leadership Corps Aims to Transform California's Teaching
Ann Jaquith, Melissa Gilbert, and Linda Bauld report on the creation and function of the Instructional Leadership Corps (ILC) in a blog post for Education Week.