This Alliance for Excellent Education webinar explores three important variables for success in using digital learning strategies to better support at-risk students: interactive learning, use of technology to explore and create, and the right blend of teachers and technology.
For decades, educators have sought to find better ways to close achievement gaps and better serve students at risk of failing courses or dropping out of high school. Of particular concern are the needs of students who struggle with personal challenges, such as pregnancy, mobility, or homelessness, and those who face academic challenges, including credit deficiencies, are English language learners, or have special education needs. Many districts have turned to technology-driven solutions; yet in many cases, these efforts have failed to produce consistent improvements in student outcomes.
According to a new report by the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE), research indicates that there are examples of successful approaches to using technology to support at-risk students. SCOPE’s Linda Darling-Hammond, one of the report’s authors, will discuss the findings of the literature review and the three factors for success with at-risk students. Tom Murray of the Alliance will moderate the discussion, and Molly Zielezinski will reflect on the findings and her time as a classroom teacher in both Massachusetts and California.
Panelists will also address questions submitted by viewers from across the country.