Janice's experience and expertise span research, policy, and practice and she shares the deep commitment to equity and opportunity that is at the heart of all SCOPE's work. Her academic and research foci range from teaching and teacher education to leadership development, most recently in her previous positions at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she was a lecturer in Educational Leadership and Organizations and provided support for Harvard's Urban Superintendents Program (from which she is a graduate) and for the Wallace-funded Executive Leadership Program for Educators.
Janice also has deep experience in supporting and running schools and school systems, having served in the leadership cadre of three major urban school systems and as a consultant to many others. Her work in this arena includes service as Deputy Superintendent for Boston Public Schools. Janice also has extensive experience in the policy arena at the federal level, where she served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education.
Janice has also worked as a board member and consultant with a wide variety of major education organizations that support professional development; academic, social and emotional learning for students; and the pursuit of greater equity.
Janice replaces SCOPE Executive Director Carol Campbell, who resigned in order to return to her home in Canada for family reasons. Carol was instrumental in expanding SCOPE's presence locally, nationally, and internationally and oversaw substantial growth in center staff and programs. We are pleased to announce that Carol will remain closely involved with SCOPE as our International Affiliate. We wish Carol every success in her new position as Associate Professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
Janice will work closely with SCOPE Co-Directors Linda Darling-Hammond and Prudence Carter to support our mission to foster research, policy and practice to advance high quality, high equity education systems.
Welcome, Janice!