SCOPE at AERA 2018

Friday, April 13
8:00 to 11:45am
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Gramercy Suite A
In Invited Speaker Session: The Mentoring Web: Developing Systems of Support and Sustentation in Academia
Participant: Jonathan Rosa, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
12:00 to 1:30pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Beekman
Symposium: Dreaming in Greene: Reframing Contemporary Educational Policy, Practice, and Research Through Maxine Greene’s Critical Lens
Session Paper: Securing Equitable, Empowering Education for All: The Need for Critical and Creative Imagination and Action
Presenting Author: Linda Darling-Hammond: President and CEO Learning Policy Institute; SCOPE Advisory Board
12:00 to 1:30pm
Location: Sheraton New York Times Square, Lower Level, Sutton Place Room
In Symposium: Translating Theory to Practice: Pedagogies of Raciolinguistics in the Classroom
Chair: Jonathan Rosa, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
2:15 to 3:45pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Concourse Level, Concourse G Room
In Symposium: Developing Multi/Translingual Competencies and Expertise Through Peer Interactions: Affordances, Constraints, and Complexities
On Session Paper: Negotiating Identities of Bilingual Expertise Through Translingual Talk in a Spanish-English Dual-Language Classroom
Author: Ramón Antonio Martinez, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
Time: 4:05 to 5:35pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Sutton Center
In Symposium: Understanding the Transformative Power of Teacher and Student Agency in Changing Educational Contexts
On Session Paper: The Role of Off-Task Interactions in Supporting Productive Disciplinary Engagement in Elementary Mathematics
Presenting Author: Jennifer Marie Langer-Osuna: Assistant Professor Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
Saturday, April 14
10:35am to 12:05pm
Location: Park Central Hotel New York, Mezzanine Level, Times Square
Session: Organizational Context and Instructional Leadership: The Importance of Teacher Collaboration and Student Achievement
- Soung Bae: SCOPE Senior Research and Policy Analyst, Stanford University;
- Dion Burns: Senior Researcher, Learning Policy Institute
- Jon D. Snyder: Executive Director SCOPE, Stanford University
10:35am to 12:05pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Sutton South
In Symposium: Social-Emotional Learning, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and Well-Being in Preservice Teacher Education
Discussant: Linda Darling-Hammond: President and CEO Learning Policy Institute; SCOPE Advisory Board
2:15 to 3:45pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Fourth Floor, Hudson Suite
In Symposium: Unsettling Educations: Language, Race, and Learning in White Settler Colonial Societies
Chair and Author: Jonathan Rosa, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
4:05 to 6:05pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Trianon Ballroom
In Invited Roundtable: The 22nd Annual Continuation of Conversations with Senior Scholars on Advancing Research and Professional Development Related to Black Education
On Session Paper: Table 14. The Politics of Knowledge and Educational Research: The Consequences of Reality
Author: Linda Darling-Hammond: President and CEO Learning Policy Institute; SCOPE Advisory Board
4:05 to 6:05pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Trianon Ballroom
Women of Color in Academe: The Difference Makers
In Event: The 22nd Annual Continuation of Conversations With Senior Scholars on Advancing Research and Professional Development Related to Black Education
Paper: Table 1, Women of Color in Academe: The Difference Makers
Author: Arnetha F. Ball: Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
Sunday, April 15
10:35am to 12:05pm
Location: Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Metropolitan West Room
In Event: Sheraton Roundtable Session 14
In Roundtable Session: Bilingual Education's Reemergence in California: Bilingual Teachers Adapting, Responding, and Resisting
Chair: Ramón Antonio Martinez, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
10:35am to 12:05pm
Location: New York Marriott Marquis, Fifth Floor, Westside Ballroom Salon 2
In Event: Marriott Roundtable Session 38
In Roundtable Session: Racial Ontologies and New Materialist Methodologies
Chair: Jonathan Rosa, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
Monday, April 16
10:35am to 12:05pm
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Metropolitan East Room
In Event: Sheraton Roundtable Session 22
In Roundtable Session: Transforming Schooling for Emergent Bilinguals: Policies, Pedagogies, and Practices
Presenting Author: Ramón Antonio Martinez, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
2:15 to 3:45pm
New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Gibson Suite
In Symposium: Toward a Civil Rights Education Finance Research Agenda
On Session Paper: How School Investments Matter for Educational Outcomes: Insights From School Finance and Governance Reforms
Presenting Author: Linda Darling-Hammond: President and CEO Learning Policy Institute; SCOPE Advisory Board
2:15 to 3:45pm
Location: Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Sixth Floor, Room 6.01
In Symposium: Framing Instructional Design in Humanities and Social Science Classrooms
On Session Paper: A Century of Literature Tests: How the New York Regents' Exam Framed Literary Reading, 1904–2016
Presenting Author: Sarah Levine: Assistant Professor Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
4:05 to 6:05pm
New York Hilton Midtown, Concourse Level, Concourse B Room
In Symposium: Redesigned Performance Assessment: A State’s New Assessment Tool Confronts the Shortcomings in Teacher Preparation
Discussant: Linda Darling-Hammond: President and CEO Learning Policy Institute; SCOPE Advisory Board
Tuesday, April 17
Time: 8:15 to 9:45am
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Nassau Suite B
Session: Public-Private Partnerships Across Geographic Contexts and Their Implications for U.S. Education Reform
Paper: Trends in Educational Privatization in the United States
Author: Frank Adamson: SCOPE Senior Research and Policy Analyst; Stanford University
8:15 to 10:15am
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Fourth Floor, East Suite
In Symposium: Narratives of Gender and Its Intersections as They Influence Identities and Participation in Mathematics
Discussant: Jennifer Marie Langer-Osuna: Assistant Professor Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
10:35am to 12:05pm
New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Regent Parlor
In Symposium: Building Equitable, High-Quality Public Education Systems in the 21st Century: Lessons From Leading Countries
On Session Paper: Empowered Educators: How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality
Author: Linda Darling-Hammond: President and CEO Learning Policy Institute; SCOPE Advisory Board
12:25 to 1:55pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Fourth Floor, Green Room
In Event: Carceral State Education: Violence, Trauma, and Resistance
In Symposium: From Colonized to Woke: Reframing Afro-Latinidad in Educational Spaces
Chair: Jonathan Rosa, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board
2:15 to 3:45pm
New York Hilton Midtown, Concourse Level, Concourse C Room
In Symposium: Investing in a Diverse, Quality Teacher Workforce: From Recruitment to Retention
Session Papers:
- Teacher Preparation for Deeper Learning
- Deepening Teachers' Practice: A Literature Review of Effective Teacher Professional Development
Author: Linda Darling-Hammond: President and CEO Learning Policy Institute; SCOPE Advisory Board
Date: 2:15 to 3:45pm
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, Fourth Floor, East Suite
In Symposium: Indigenous Mexican Families and U.S. Schools
On Session Paper: Linguistic Motherwork in the Zapotec Diaspora: Zapoteca Mothers' Perspectives on Multilingualism and Indigenous Language Maintenance
Presenting Author: Ramón Antonio Martinez, Assistant Professor, Stanford University; SCOPE Advisory Board