Dr. Travis Bristol is an Assistant Professor of Education at the University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education. He is a former high school English teacher in New York City public schools, teacher educator with the Boston Teacher Residency program, and World Bank consultant. From 2010 – 2014, Dr. Bristol worked on several World Bank projects in Guyana, which included supporting senior education officials creating teacher professional development courses and assisting senior policy members in the Ministry of Education draft the 2014-2019 Education Strategic Plan. Most recently, Dr. Bristol was the Peter Paul Assistant Professor at the Boston University School of Education and also served as a research and policy fellow at the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education.
In 2013, Dr. Bristol received dissertation fellowships from the American Educational Research Association, the Ford Foundation, and the National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation. In 2015, he was awarded the inaugural teacher diversity research award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
His research agenda is centered on three interrelated strands: (1) district and school-based practices that support teachers of color; (2) national, state, and local education policies that enable and constrain the workplace experiences and retention for teachers of color; (3) the intersection of race and gender in schools. Dr. Bristol’s study on Black male teachers has been highlighted in NPR, the Washington Post, Education Week, NBC News, and Fox News. He is the principal investigator for the New York City Office of the Mayor’s NYC Young Men’s Initiative, which focuses on recruiting and supporting 1,000 male teachers of color. Dr. Bristol most recently contributed to the #rethinkhighschool initiative, part of the multi-million dollar XQ America project, aimed at using the latest science, understanding, and expertise in a galvanizing effort to create a new model for school in America. His discussions on how to engage youth authentically reflect his involvement in the project.
Faculty Bio Page:
Recent Publications:
- Bristol, T. J. & Mentor, M. (2018). Policing and teaching: The positioning of Black male teachers as agents in the universal carceral apparatus. The Urban Review, 50(2). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11256-018-0447-z
- Goings, R. B., Bristol, T. J., & Walker, L. (2018). From Refugee to Teacher: The Transition Experiences of One Black Male Immigrant Nontraditional Health Education Major at an HBCU. Journal for Multicultural Education.
- Bristol, T.J. (2017). Why Teachers and Students Stay Home: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Teacher and Student Absenteeism Across Nine Schools in Guyana. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 19(4), 134-149. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/IJCED-07-2017-0010
- Bristol, T.J. (2017). To be Alone or in a Group: An Exploration into How the School-based Experiences Differ for Black Male Teachers Across One Urban School District, Urban Education, 1-21. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0042085917697200
- Bristol, T.J. (2015). Teaching boys: towards a theory of gender-relevant pedagogy, Taylor Francis Online, Volume 27, 2015 - Issue 1, 53 – 68. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09540253.2014.986067
- Snyder, J., & Bristol, T. J. (2015). Professional accountability for improving life, college, and career readiness. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(16). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273500457_Professional_Accountability_for_Improving_Life_College_and_Career_Readiness
Media Mentions (selected):