Standards, Assessments, and Accountability

In this presentation, Lorrie Shepard addresses the history of standards-based reform and its theory of action; research on teaching-the-test effects; the importance of curricular coherence, and more.
In this presentation, Lorrie Shepard addresses the history of standards-based reform and its theory of action; research on teaching-the-test effects; the importance of curricular coherence, and more.
Linda Darling-Hammond and Frank Adamson examine experiences with large-scale performance assessment in the United States and abroad.
With the release of the latest NAEP scores, Linda Darling-Hammond talks about the real reasons behind America's achievement gap in this blog cross-posted from the National Journal.
In a piece for the SF Chronicle, Darling-Hammond says that we need to focus on the quality of our standards and assessments rather than fighting over who administers them.