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E.g., 2023-01
Articles & Chapters

A Future Worthy of Teaching for America

Linda Darling-Hammond

In an article for Phi Delta Kappan, Linda Darling-Hammond advocates for a teaching residency as part of the Teach for America program.


Reports & Report Series

Accountability Texas Style: The Progress and Learning of Urban Minority Students in a High-Stakes Testing Context

Linda Darling-Hammond and Julian Vasquez Heilig

Linda Darling-Hammond and Julian Vasquez Heilig examine student progress and achievement in relation to accountability policy incentives in an urban district in Texas.

Articles & Chapters

Creating Excellent and Equitable Schools

Linda Darling-Hammond and Diane Friedlaender

In this article, authors Linda Darling-Hammond and Diane Friedlaender discuss design features and policies that can promote exceptional high schools on a broad scale.


Keeping the Promise? The Debate Over Charter Schools

Leigh Dingerson, Barbara Miner, Bob Peterson, and Stephanie Walters (eds)

Keeping the Promise? examines one of the most complex reforms in education: charter schools.


Articles & Chapters

Creating Inclusive Campus Environments for Cross-Cultural Learning and Student Engagement: Intentionality in Diversity, Learning and Engagement

Shaun R. Harper and Anthony Antonio

Shaun Harper's and Anthony Antonio's book shows how to capitalize on the diversity that exists on U.S. campuses in educationally meaningful ways.


Articles & Chapters

Don't Disparage Students' Own Cultural Codes: Rather, Help Them Become Fluent in Multiple Cultural Codes

Prudence L. Carter

A chapter by Prudence Carter in the book "Everyday Antiracism."

Reports & Report Series

High Schools for Equity: Policy Supports for Student Learning in Communities of Color

Diane Friedlaender, Linda Darling-Hammond, Olivia Araiza, Susan Sandler, Valentina Velez-Rocha, et al

Diane Friedlaender et al. take a look at the lessons we can learn from the schools that are successfully addressing the achievement gap in California.



Testimony before the House Education and Labor Committee on the Re-Authorization of No Child Left Behind

Linda Darling-Hammond

A transcript of Linda Darling-Hammond's 2007 testimony before the House Education and Labor Committee on the draft bill to re-authorize No Child Left Behind.


Articles & Chapters

All Things Being Equal: Instigating Opportunity in an Inequitable Time: Educational Quality and Equality: What It Will Take to Leave No Child Behind

Chapter by Linda Darling-Hammond

A chapter by Linda Darling-Hammond addressing the opportunity gap in American classrooms. 

Articles & Chapters

Race, Inequality, and Educational Accountability: The Irony of 'No Child Left Behind'

Linda Darling-Hammond

In this article, Linda Darling-Hammond explores the negative consequences of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Articles & Chapters

The Flat Earth and Education: How America’s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future

Linda Darling-Hammond

In this article, Linda Darling-Hammond outlines current disparities in educational access and proposes reforms needed to equalize opportunities to learn.


Articles & Chapters

High School Size, Organization, and Content: What Matters for Student Success?

Linda Darling-Hammond, Peter Ross, Michael Milken

Darling-Hammond, Ross, and Milken examine competing findings about the effects of smaller schools across a wide range of studies over the last thirty years. 


Articles & Chapters

Securing the Right to Learn: The Quest for an Empowering Curriculum for African American Citizens

Linda Darling-Hammond, Joy Williamson, and Maria E. Hyler

Linda Darling-Hammond et al. chronicle a journey to achieve the type of education that focused on the battles to secure access to schooling and a curriculum for full citizenship.

Reports & Report Series

Preparing School Leaders for a Changing World: Case Studies of Exemplary Programs

Michelle Lapointe, Linda Darling-Hammond, and Debra Meyerson

These case studies examine eight exemplary pre- and in-service program models that address key issues in developing strong leaders.

Reports & Report Series

Preparing School Leaders for a Changing World: Lessons from Exemplary Leadership Development Programs

Linda Darling-Hammond, Michelle Lapointe, Debra Meyerson, and Margaret Terry Orr

Linda Darling-Hammond et al. draw lessons from eight exemplary programs to help other educational administration programs as they strive to develop and support school leaders.


Reports & Report Series

Leadership Development in California

Linda Darling-Hammond and Stelios Orphanos

Over two decades of research has established that school leadership is critical to improving academic achievement. Linda Darling-Hammond and Stelios Orphanos address the question that naturally follows: If leadership matters, how can it be developed?


Reports & Report Series

Analysis and Recommendations for Alternatives to the Washington Assessment of Student Learning

Linda Darling-Hammond, Laura McCloskey, and Ray Pecheone

Linda Darling-Hammond et al. examine the pros and cons of Washington's provision of alternatives for its exit exam, the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL). 


Windows on Conversions: A Multi-Media Exploration of Redesign at Four Comprehensive High Schools cover

Windows on Conversions: A Multi-Media Exploration of Redesign at Four Comprehensive High Schools

Linda Darling-Hammond, Diane Friedlaender

This multimedia study kit looks at the promising practices of four comprehensive high schools that have been redesigned into small schools and learning communities.

Articles & Chapters

Securing the Right to Learn: Policy and Practice for Powerful Teaching and Learning

Linda Darling-Hammond

Darling-Hammond describes the kind of preparation and policy system needed to build a coherent system that can provide well-trained teachers in all communities. 


Articles & Chapters

If They'd Only Do Their Work!

Linda Darling-Hammond, Olivia Ifill-Lynch


Darling-Hammond and Ifill-Lynch ask, What can teachers do about students who fail to complete their assignments?

