This project investigates educational policies in Botswana and South Africa by measuring student achievement in 112 schools on either side of the countries' border.
LEADS applied cutting-edge knowledge from scholars and practitioners in education, business, and design to the complex challenges confronting urban school systems. It served six districts around the country.
This project investigates Milwaukee's unique reform approach that applies both an aggressive school choice plan and a managed instruction approach.
Frank Adamson and Linda Darling-Hammond examine how and why well-qualified teachers are inequitably distributed to students in the United States.
This project examines eight exemplary pre- and in-service program models that address key issues in developing strong leaders.
The Alliance for Excellent Education and SCOPE teamed up to look at ways other nations have enhanced teacher effectiveness and to see if the lessons learned could be applied in the U.S. context, producing a report and a webinar on their findings.
This project examines large-scale performance assessment in the United States and abroad, including technical advances, feasibility issues, and policy implications.
This comprehensive project on teacher professional development identifies policies and practices states are using to effectively prepare and support teachers.
This study of OUSD's New Small Schools Initiative assesses how the new schools are performing, what factors influence their achievement, and recommends policy strategies that build on current successes.
This project documents how the success of some California schools in closing the achievement gap can inform state policy.