Linda Darling-Hammond Receives Bammy Award for Education School Professor
Diane Ravitch presents Linda Darling-Hammond with the 2012 Bammy Award for Education School Professor.
Linda Darling-Hammond Receives Bammy Award for Lifetime Achievement
Co-founder of BAM Radio Network Rae Pica presents the lifetime achievement Bammy Award to Linda Darling-Hammond.
The Collaborative Classroom: An Interview with Linda Darling-Hammond
Linda Darling-Hammond says social and emotional learning is a crucial part of teaching the whole child.
Rachel Lotan on Building Equitable Classrooms
Rachel Lotan discusses the importance of equal-status interactions among students and explains how teachers can build equitable classrooms by crafting appropriate tasks and collaborations, and by addressing status problems.
Pasi Sahlberg on Equity and Finland's Education System
Pasi Sahlberg discusses the policies and practices behind the so-called "Finnish miracle" and the central role of equity in Finland's school reform.
"Finnish First": Dan Rather Interviews Linda Darling-Hammond
Part two of Dan Rather's report on Finland's education system asks, What can the United States learn from Finland's success?
Excerpt from Dan Rather Reports, "Finnish First"
Part one of Dan Rather's report on Finland's education system looks inside Finnish schools to examine the practices behind the so-called "Finnish miracle."
Linda Darling-Hammond Interviewed by TOPed's John Fensterwald on Teacher Preparation
In this interview, Linda Darling-Hammond discusses directions the CCTC might take to improve teacher training programs.
Claude Steele on Stereotype Threat
Claude Steele discusses his research on stereotype threat and how it affects academic achievement.
The JREC Story
This clip provides a look at the transformation of the Julia Richman Education Complex into a thriving multi-age complex of six schools.