How they do it abroad
In this article for Time Magazine, Darling-Hammond argues that the United States needs to invest in the kind of teacher development and support found in high-achieving countries.
In this article for Time Magazine, Darling-Hammond argues that the United States needs to invest in the kind of teacher development and support found in high-achieving countries.
In an op-ed for the Chronicle Review, Darling-Hammond explains the need for policies that support teacher preparation and support in the field of math and science instruction.
In a piece for the SF Chronicle, Darling-Hammond says that we need to focus on the quality of our standards and assessments rather than fighting over who administers them.
Linda Darling-Hammond examines the NCLB law, its consequences, and prospects for improving the legislation.
In an op-ed for Education Week, Darling Hammond discusses what it will really take to leave no child left behind.
Darling-Hammond asks, Rather than pitting under-prepared teachers against others in comparisons of effectiveness, how can policies provide well-qualified teachers to low-income students of color?