Linda Darling-Hammond's opening address as chair of the CTC
A report from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Chair, Linda Darling-Hammond.
A report from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Chair, Linda Darling-Hammond.
Linda Darling-Hammond and Edward Haertel argue that effective evaluation requires rigorous, ongoing assessment by experts who review teachers' instruction, looking at classroom practice and evidence of student learning.
In this Inside Higher Ed article Linda Darling-Hammond describes rigorous, authentic performance assessments that measure whether prospective teachers are ready to teach.
In this Huffington Post blog, Linda Darling-Hammond assess current education policy and its impact on developing, recruiting and retaining great teachers.
In this Education Week article Linda Darling-Hammond writes that value-added models are poor tools for evaulating teacher effectiveness and improving student achivement and mentions some effective alternatives.
In this PDK article, leading researchers weigh in on value-added measures of teacher assessment.
In this Sac Bee op-ed, Linda Darling-Hammond commends Gov. Jerry Brown's call for less testing and more focus on meaningful learning as a welcome breath of sanity in the American education landscape.
Linda Darling-Hammond argues that the new Senate vision for ESEA will weaken schools in the most vulnerable communities and further contribute to their failure.
Linda Darling-Hammond argues that after 10 years of missed opportunity under NCLB, we must learn from our experience to accelerate academic progress and improve the quality of learning in American schools.
California faces more cuts in education funding but, as Linda Darling-Hammond writes in this San Francisco Chronicle op-ed, Californians are willing to pay higher taxes to support education.