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Articles and Chapters

Does Teacher Preparation Matter? Evidence about Teacher Certification, Teach for America, and Teacher Effectiveness

October 12, 2005
Linda Darling-Hammond, Deborah J. Holtzman, Su Jin Gatlin, and Julian Vasquez Heilig
Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol. 13, N. 42

This multi-authored study examines whether certified teachers are, in general, more effective than those who have not met the testing and training requirements for certification.


Reinventing High School: Outcomes of the Coalition Campus Schools Project

June 20, 2002
Linda Darling-Hammond
Jacqueline Ancess
Susanna Wichterle Ort
American Education Research Journal, Fall 2002, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 639-673

This study of the Coalition Campus Schools Project in NYC documents a unique “birthing” process for new, small schools created as part of a network of reform-oriented schools.


High School Size, Organization, and Content: What Matters for Student Success?

June 20, 2007
Linda Darling-Hammond
Peter Ross
Michael Milken
Brookings Institute Press

Darling-Hammond, Ross, and Milken examine competing findings about the effects of smaller schools across a wide range of studies over the last thirty years. 


Funding Disparities and the Inequitable Distribution of Teachers: Evaluating Sources and Solutions

November 19, 2012
Frank Adamson
Linda Darling-Hammond
Education Policy Analysis Archives

Adamson and Darling-Hammond examine the inequitable distribution of teachers by reviewing school funding, salaries, and teacher qualifications from California and New York.

Evaluating and Supporting Effective Teaching: Developing a Systemic Approach

October 17, 2012
Linda Darling-Hammond
Pensamiento Educativo. Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana 2012, 49(2), 1-20

In this article in Pensamiento Educativo, Darling-Hammond argues for a comprehensive approach to creating a system for evaluating and supporting teachers.


Education Canada -- Theme Issue 2011



December 5, 2011
Canadian Education Association

This online magazine by CEA and SCOPE features Linda Darling-Hammond, Prudence Carter, Ben Levin, Carol Lee, Carol Campbell, and Penny Milton on what equity in education means--and what we can do to promote it.



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