Privatization or Public Investment in Education?

Is the education sector better served by a public investment approach than by a market-based, competition approach?
Is the education sector better served by a public investment approach than by a market-based, competition approach?
The global education market is valued at over $5T. This short film examines experimental privatization vs. public investment in three pairs of countries.
A panel of experts discussed the impact of common enrollment systems in cities across in the U.S. and abroad.
In this 3-minute video, learn about experimental privatization models and public investment in equitable education systems around the world.
This book documents the ideologically and educationally distinctive approaches countries around the world have taken to structuring their education systems.
Adamson, Cook-Harvey, and Darling-Hammond examine the experiences of students and families managing their way through a portfolio of charter schools in New Orleans.
Elle Rustique describes how a graduate profile can help a Linked Learning district achieve coherence between school practices, district goals, state policies, and national standards.
This series on accountability features articles, commentaries, and videos by leading thinkers in business, policy, civil rights, schools, and academia.
This brief summarizes a full report on the effects of school-finance reform and student outcomes by Jackson, Johnson, and Persico.
Windows on Conversions is an up-close and vivid examination of successful school redesign. Learn about the conversion process from the frontlines.