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Student-Centered Schools: Closing the Opportunity Gap


Student-Centered Schools: Closing the Opportunity Gap — cross-case analysis

June 17, 2014

Diane Friedlaender et al. examine the outcomes of student-centered learning with a cross-case analysis of four schools, a technical report, a research and policy brief, and interactive educator's tool.


It's Time for a New Accountability in American Education


It's Time for a New Accountability in American Education

Linda Darling-Hammond and AFT President Randi Weingarten discuss how new standards cannot succeed under an old accountability system. 


One Piece of the Whole: Teacher Evaluation as Part of a Comprehensive System for Teaching and Learning


One Piece of the Whole: Teacher Evaluation as Part of a Comprehensive System for Teaching and Learning

March 20, 2014
Linda Darling-Hammond
American Educator

This Linda Darling-Hammond article originally appeared in American Educator and describes the need for coherent systems of teacher development and evaluation.


Elementary Schools for Equity: Policies and Practices that Help Close the Opportunity Gap


Elementary Schools for Equity

October 7, 2013
Laura Wentworth
Julie Kessler
Linda Darling-Hammond

This report presents case studies of four schools commissioned by SFUSD to help school and district leaders understand closing the achievement gap.


Teacher Learning Through Assessment

How Student-Performance Assessments Can Support Teacher Learning

Teacher Learning Through Assessment: How Student-Performance Assessments Can Support Teacher Learning

September 12, 2013
Linda Darling-Hammond
Beverly Falk
Center for American Progress

This report from Darling-Hammond and Falk describes teacher learning through involvement with student assessments in the United States and around the world.


Preparing 21st Century Citizens: The Role of Work-Based Learning in Linked Learning


Preparing 21st Century Citizens: The Role of Work-Based Learning in Linked Learning

August 30, 2013
M. Felicity Rogers-Chapman
Linda Darling-Hammond

This brief describes how Linked Learning schools can create education programs blending real-world problems with skills to succeed in college and the workforce. 

Developing and Sustaining a High-Quality Teacher Force

January 1, 2013
Linda Darling-Hammond
Asia Society

This brief by Linda Darling-Hammond describes the strategies used to develop and support high-quality teaching in three cities from different nations on three separate continents. 



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