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Criteria for High-Quality Assessment


Criteria for High-Quality Assessment

June 19, 2013
Linda Darling-Hammond, Joan Herman, James Pellegrino, Jamal Abedi, J. Lawrence Aber, Eva Baker, Randy Bennett, Edmund Gordon, Edward Haertel, Kenji Hakuta, Andrew Ho, Robert Lee Linn, P. David Pearson...
SCOPE, CRESST, and Learning Sciences Research Institute

A team of leading education researchers provide a set of criteria for assessment developers, policymakers, and educators to use to create high-quality student assessments.


Funding Disparities and the Inequitable Distribution of Teachers: Evaluating Sources and Solutions

November 19, 2012
Frank Adamson
Linda Darling-Hammond
Education Policy Analysis Archives

Adamson and Darling-Hammond examine the inequitable distribution of teachers by reviewing school funding, salaries, and teacher qualifications from California and New York.

Getting Teacher Evaluation Right: What Really Matters for Effectiveness and Improvement


Getting Teacher Evaluation Right

April 1, 2013
Linda Darling-Hammond
Teachers College Press

Darling-Hammond's book makes a compelling case for a research-based approach to teacher evaluation that supports collaborative models of teacher planning and learning.


For Each and Every Child: A Strategy for Education, Equity and Excellence


For Each and Every Child: A Strategy for Education, Equity and Excellence

February 19, 2013

The Equity and Excellence Commission's report addresses the disparities in educational opportunities that give rise to the achievement gap, with a focus on funding, early childhood education, teacher supports, and poverty.


Creating a Comprehensive System for Evaluating and Supporting Effective Teaching


Creating a Comprehensive System for Evaluating and Supporting Effective Teaching

May 8, 2012
Linda Darling-Hammond

This report by Linda Darling-Hammond proposes effective research-based systems to address teacher evaluation and development.

Effective Teaching as a Civil Right: How Building Instructional Capacity Can Help Close the Achievement Gap

October 1, 2011
Linda Darling-Hammond
Voices in Urban Education

Darling-Hammond argues that better ways of evaluating teachers must be integrated with systems that develop teacher competence and motivate teaching highest-need students.



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