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Curriculum and Teaching

Student-Centered Practices for Underserved Youth


Student-Centered Practices for Underserved Youth

Diane Friedlaender and Linda Darling-Hammond discuss the benefits of student-centered practices for underserved youth in a blog post for Education Week. 


Using Technology to Support At-Risk Students’ Learning


Using Technology to Support At-Risk Students’ Learning

September 10, 2014
Linda Darling-Hammond
Molly B. Zielezinski
Shelley Goldman
Alliance for Excellent Education and Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education

Darling-Hammond, Zielezinski, & Goldman find that technology can produce significant gains in achievement and engagement, particularly among at-risk students. 


Beyond the Bubble Test: Why We Need Performance Assessments


Beyond the Bubble Test: Why We Need Performance Assessments

Linda Darling-Hammond argues that performance assessments are needed to ensure our children will succeed in the knowledge-based society they are entering. 


To Close the Achievement Gap, We Need to Close the Teaching Gap


To Close the Achievement Gap, We Need to Close the Teaching Gap

In a blog for Huffington Post, Linda Darling-Hammond says we have international evidence about something that has a greater effect on learning than testing: teaching.


Student-Centered Schools: Closing the Opportunity Gap


Student-Centered Schools: Closing the Opportunity Gap — cross-case analysis

June 17, 2014

Diane Friedlaender et al. examine the outcomes of student-centered learning with a cross-case analysis of four schools, a technical report, a research and policy brief, and interactive educator's tool.



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