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Leadership Development and Practice

Developing a Performance Assessment System From the Ground Up: Lessons Learned From Three Linked Learning Pathways


Developing a Performance Assessment System From the Ground Up: Lessons Learned From Three Linked Learning Pathways

Developing a Performance Assessment System From the Ground Up: Lessons Learned From Three Linked Learning Pathways cover
February 5, 2014
Ann Jaquith
Daisy Martin
Jamie Johnston

Jaquith et al. developed this guide for teachers, principals, and administrators from the Linked Learning field for developing a performance assessment system.

Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning: Learning Communities


Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning: Learning Communities

December 5, 2013
Corwin | Learning Forward

In this book, contributors help readers understand what it takes to establish and maintain professional learning communities that increase educator effectiveness.


Leading Educational Change

Global Issues, Challenges, and Lessons on Whole-System Reform

Leading Educational Change

September 20, 2013
Edited by Helen Janc Malone
Teachers College Press

Leading Educational Change is comprised of 25 short articles on system-wide reform and addresses issues in 15 different countries.


School Reform: Learning From Around the World


School Reform: Learning from Around the World

Ann Lieberman, a featured author in Leading Educational Change, discusses what it means to be a teacher in different countries. 


Developing and Sustaining a High-Quality Teacher Force

January 1, 2013
Linda Darling-Hammond
Asia Society

This brief by Linda Darling-Hammond describes the strategies used to develop and support high-quality teaching in three cities from different nations on three separate continents. 


Linked Learning in California: High School Transformation In Three Districts

June 25, 2013

This cross-case analysis draws upon case studies that examine how the California Linked Learning District Initiative has played out in the Pasadena, Porterville, and Sacramento City Unified School Districts.



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