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Leadership Development and Practice

School Leadership Study: Developing Successful Principals, a Review of Research

December 1, 2005
Stephen Davis, Linda Darling-Hammond, Michelle LaPointe, and Debra Meyerson
Stanford Educational Leadership Institute

Principals play a vital role in setting the direction for successful schools, but existing knowledge on the best ways to prepare and develop highly qualified candidates is sparse. What are the essential elements of good leadership?


Preparing School Leaders for a Changing World: Lessons from Exemplary Leadership Development Programs

April 1, 2007
Linda Darling-Hammond, Michelle Lapointe, Debra Meyerson, and Margaret Terry Orr
Stanford Educational Leadership Institute

Linda Darling-Hammond et al. draw lessons from eight exemplary programs to help other educational administration programs as they strive to develop and support school leaders.


Preparing School Leaders for a Changing World: Case Studies of Exemplary Programs

May 1, 2007
Michelle Lapointe, Linda Darling-Hammond, and Debra Meyerson
Stanford Educational Leadership Institute

These case studies examine eight exemplary pre- and in-service program models that address key issues in developing strong leaders.

Leadership Development in California

January 1, 2007
Linda Darling-Hammond and Stelios Orphanos
Institute for Research on Education Policy & Practice; School Redesign Network

Over two decades of research has established that school leadership is critical to improving academic achievement. Linda Darling-Hammond and Stelios Orphanos address the question that naturally follows: If leadership matters, how can it be developed?


San Juan Unified School District: Professional Development for Second Language Education

Project Dates: 
July 2009-June 2010
Linda Carstens
Contact Email: 

SCOPE is providing technical assistance to the San Juan Unified School District, as well as specific ongoing professional development for a cadre of district staff as the district expands its second language education work.

California Linked Learning Initiative: District Leadership Series

Project Dates: 
December 2008 - August 2013
Ann Jaquith
Contact Email: 

SCOPE is working with district, school, industry, non-profit, and higher educational leaders in California to help build and advance the field of Linked Learning.

Fulton High School (Knox County Schools) Professional Development

Fulton High School
Project Dates: 
July 2009 - June 2013
Janice Jackson

SCOPE is working with Knox County Schools' Fulton High School in Tennessee to develop four small learning community academies through a federal grant. The high school is strengthening project-based learning within academy teams.


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