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Effective Schools

Developing Learning Academies: John O'Connell High School (SFUSD)

Project Dates: 
July 2010-June 2011
Diane Friedlaender and Elle Rustique
Contact Email: 

SCOPE is working with the John O'Connell High School staff in the San Francisco Unified School District to provide professional development to support the school's learning academies.

California Linked Learning Initiative: District Leadership Series

Project Dates: 
December 2008 - August 2013
Ann Jaquith
Contact Email: 

SCOPE is working with district, school, industry, non-profit, and higher educational leaders in California to help build and advance the field of Linked Learning.

School Transformation Study Visits: Hillsdale High School

Sonya Keller
Contact Email: 

Study Visits are inquiry-based mini courses to exemplary high schools conducted by the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) and a partner school. 

Leadership for Equity & Accountability in Districts and Schools (LEADS)

Project Dates: 
Cohort I: 2007-2010; Cohort II: 2010-2013
Janice Jackson

LEADS applied cutting-edge knowledge from scholars and practitioners in education, business, and design to the complex challenges confronting urban school systems. It served six districts around the country.

Creating Excellent and Equitable Schools

May 1, 2008
Linda Darling-Hammond and Diane Friedlaender
Educational Leadership (ASDC)

In this article, authors Linda Darling-Hammond and Diane Friedlaender discuss design features and policies that can promote exceptional high schools on a broad scale.


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