Handbook of Professional Development in Education
This book, featuring SCOPE associate director Ann Jaquith and SCOPE senior scholar Ann Lieberman, describes effective practices in teacher professional development.
This book, featuring SCOPE associate director Ann Jaquith and SCOPE senior scholar Ann Lieberman, describes effective practices in teacher professional development.
Jaquith et al. developed this guide for teachers, principals, and administrators from the Linked Learning field for developing a performance assessment system.
This new guide offers teachers, principals, and administrators tools and examples from the Linked Learning field for developing a performance assessment system.
Linda Darling-Hammond appears on Morning Edition to discuss how the United States can move from test-and-punish to an assess-and-improve philosophy.
In this book, contributors help readers understand what it takes to establish and maintain professional learning communities that increase educator effectiveness.
Ann Lieberman, a featured author in Leading Educational Change, discusses what it means to be a teacher in different countries.
This state policy guide offers a solutions-oriented roadmap for lawmakers and advocates on teaching quality with sample policy and models of success.
Reliability and Validity of Inferences About Teachers Based on Student Test Scores
Stanford professor Edward Haertel discusses the reliability and validity of teacher value-added scores and whether they measure what they purport to measure.
Teacher Learning Through Assessment: How Student-Performance Assessments Can Support Teacher Learning
This report from Darling-Hammond and Falk describes teacher learning through involvement with student assessments in the United States and around the world.
This brief by Linda Darling-Hammond describes the strategies used to develop and support high-quality teaching in three cities from different nations on three separate continents.