Assessments for Deeper Learning: What's Next and What Will They Cost

Linda Darling-Hammond looks at where we are in the development of a new generation of assessments, and how much they are likely to cost.
Linda Darling-Hammond looks at where we are in the development of a new generation of assessments, and how much they are likely to cost.
In a discussion on how to motivate students, Bob Lenz cites SCOPE's Student-Centered Schools study as an example of students who are engaged.
In a blog for Huffington Post, Linda Darling-Hammond says we have international evidence about something that has a greater effect on learning than testing: teaching.
A cross-case analysis, a technical report, an educators' tool, and a research and policy brief offer evidence of the positive impact of student-centered learning.
In an article for Phi Delta Kappan, Linda Darling-Hammond advocates for a teaching residency as part of the Teach for America program.
Dorothy Steele and Becki Cohn-Vargas discuss the negative effects of trying to be "colorblind," and how a multicultural education should be taught in schools.
Dorothy Steele and Becki Cohn-Vargas explain how teachers can use an array of strategies to create "identity safe" classrooms.
This Linda Darling-Hammond article originally appeared in American Educator and describes the need for coherent systems of teacher development and evaluation.
In the magazine Principal, Linda Darling-Hammond argues that new performance assessments can help improve instruction and guide school improvement.
SCOPE Associate Director Ann Jaquith discusses instructional capacity and teacher collaboration in an article for Educational Leadership.