Teacher and Leader Effectiveness in High-Performing Education Systems
Linda Darling-Hammond and Robert Rothman look at three of the world's highest-performing education systems to determine how governments can better support teacher effectiveness.
Linda Darling-Hammond and Robert Rothman look at three of the world's highest-performing education systems to determine how governments can better support teacher effectiveness.
This project investigates educational policies in Botswana and South Africa by measuring student achievement in 112 schools on either side of the countries' border.
This Ed Leadership article by Ruth Chung Wei and Linda Darling-Hammond is drawn from a larger study and examines what other nations are doing that the U.S. could adopt to create a powerful teaching force.
In this report, Sandra Dean and colleagues examine teacher evaluation practices in California and offer seven recommendations for improving the system.
Mark Wilson et al. examine the effectiveness of two teacher assessment systems: Connecticut's BEST program and ETS' Praxis series.
Linda Darling-Hammond et al. conduct a state-by-state analysis of progress on teacher professional development in the United States using data from the Schools and Staffing Survey.
In an op-ed for the Chronicle Review, Darling-Hammond explains the need for policies that support teacher preparation and support in the field of math and science instruction.
Darling-Hammond asks, Rather than pitting under-prepared teachers against others in comparisons of effectiveness, how can policies provide well-qualified teachers to low-income students of color?