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Teacher Assessment and Development

Albuquerque Public Schools: Implementing Smaller Learning Communities

Project Dates: 
Linda Carstens
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SCOPE provides technical assistance and professional development for Albuquerque Public Schools as they implement their federal Small Schools Grant.

New report outlines international lessons for improving teacher effectiveness

March 16, 2011
Linda Darling-Hammond, Robert Rothman
Alliance for Excellent Education and SCOPE

SCOPE and the Alliance for Excellent Education publish report on highly effective teacher and leadership development systems in Finland, Ontario, and Singapore.

A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: An Evaluation System that Works for California

January 1, 2010
Sandra Dean
National Board Resource Center, Stanford University

In this report, Sandra Dean and colleagues examine teacher evaluation practices in California and offer seven recommendations for improving the system.


Using Student Achievement Test Scores as Evidence of External Validity for Indicators of Teacher Quality

Connecticut’s Beginning Educator Support and Training Program
January 1, 2010
Mark Wilson, P. J. Hallam, Ray Pecheone, and Pamela Moss

Mark Wilson et al. examine the effectiveness of two teacher assessment systems:  Connecticut's BEST program and ETS' Praxis series.


Toward a Theory of Generative Change in Culturally and Linguistically Complex Classrooms

October 13, 2008
Arnetha F. Ball
American Education Research Journal 2009 46: 45-72

Arnetha Ball situates the preparation of teachers to teach in culturally and linguistically complex classrooms in international contexts.

Professional Development in the United States: Trends and Challenges

August 1, 2010
Linda Darling-Hammond, Ruth Chung Wei, Alethea Andree, Nikole Richardson, and Stelios Orphanos

Linda Darling-Hammond et al. conduct a state-by-state analysis of progress on teacher professional development in the United States using data from the Schools and Staffing Survey.


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